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Apps results for Professional Services
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ChatGPT for ExcelAPPS DO WONDERS LLCSmart Spreadsheets. Smart Decisions.
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1 out of 60
AI MailMaestro - ChatGPT for OutlookMailMaestroMailMaestro: AI email assistant for Outlook, speeding up email management. Download for free today!
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2 out of 60
Mentimeter for PowerPointMentimeterGather real-time input from any group
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3 out of 60
ChatGPT for PowerPointAPPS DO WONDERS LLCBold Ideas. Beautiful Slides.
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4 out of 60
GPT for Excel WordTALARIAN S. à r.l.GPT for Excel Word brings ChatGPT, Perplexity, Claude, Ollama directly into Microsoft Excel and Word
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5 out of 60
Grammarly for Microsoft WordGrammarlyCompose clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly for Microsoft Word on Mac.
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6 out of 60
AI Meeting Notes TeamsMaestroMailMaestroCreate meeting summaries automatically with our free AI meeting note taker for Teams
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Office app
7 out of 60
AutopilotSmart Barn TechnologiesFREE AI ChatGPT in Microsoft Office that is superior to Copilot.
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8 out of 60
Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft 365AdobeDo more with PDFs – it’s Acrobat built right into popular Microsoft enterprise apps.
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9 out of 60
draw.ioJGraph LtdEnable visual collaboration on simple sketches and complex diagrams in Microsoft Teams
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10 out of 60
Map by SquillionSquillion Technology Private LimitedElevate your data storytelling with engaging maps that highlight key insights
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Power BI visuals
11 out of 60
Smart Filter by OKVIZOKVIZ Corp.An advanced slicer for your Power BI reports.
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Power BI visuals
12 out of 60
Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPointAdobe Inc.Do more with enterprise PDF tools, built right into your favorite Microsoft 365 apps.
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13 out of 60
Formula Bot | AI in SpreadsheetsFormula Bot (Datasetmatch LLC)Revolutionize your analytics workflow, from formula generation to data automation.
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14 out of 60
Trello for TeamsAtlassian.comTrello for Microsoft lets you work more collaboratively and get more done.
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Office app
15 out of 60
BookingsMicrosoft CorporationA simpler way to organize schedules and manage appointments.
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Office app
16 out of 60
CoCounsel for Microsoft TeamsThomson Reuters IncorporatedBring the leading AI Legal Assistant into your Microsoft Teams environment.
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17 out of 60
Mental Note AIGentext Group Inc.Mental Note is an AI Assistant that helps mental health professionals write clinical notes
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18 out of 60
Radar/Polar Chart - xVizxViz LLC360-degree data comparison with 10+ series types, 10+ chart configurations, and advanced formatting
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Power BI visuals
19 out of 60
Duden-Mentor-TextprüfungCornelsen Verlag GmbH.Der Duden-Mentor verbessert Rechtschreibung, Grammatik, Zeichensetzung und Stil in Ihren Texten.
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20 out of 60
Enlighten AquariumENLIGHTEN DESIGNSMake dashboards fun with this award-winning Aquarium visualization
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Power BI visuals
21 out of 60
Clio's Outlook Add-inClioSave your emails, record time and manage your inbox.
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22 out of 60
Card with States by OKVIZOKVIZ Corp.Combines metrics, states, KPIs, and a trend line. Multiple cards available
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Power BI visuals
23 out of 60
Bullet Chart by OKVIZOKVIZ Corp.Clear, compact, and effective—track performance at a glance.
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Power BI visuals
24 out of 60
Filter by ListDEVSCOPEApply filter values to a report in bulk instead of individually checking each box in the filter pane
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Power BI visuals
25 out of 60
Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft Teams and OutlookADOBE INC.Gain insights, edit, convert, and collaborate on PDFs
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Office app
26 out of 60
Helpdesk 365Apps 365 & HR365Helpdesk 365 IT, HR and Finance Ticketing System for Microsoft 365
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27 out of 60
Linear Gauge - xVizxViz LLCVisualize your KPIs to track its progress against key metrics with Custom labels, ranges and limits!
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Power BI visuals
28 out of 60
Google Maps for Power BIDynamica Labs LTDGoogle Maps for Power BI
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
29 out of 60
MarkdownBritva Technologies LLCWork with Markdown in Word
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30 out of 60
ChatGPT ConnectoriEnterprisesUltimate AI tool that allows you to automatically compose emails, answer emails, translate messages
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31 out of 60
Fractal Model SFractal Model LLCFractal Model X™ is an Excel-based technoeconomic energy storage modeling package.
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32 out of 60
Rosie AI - ChatGPT for ExcelRowsie AIYour AI assistant for Excel - helping you write formulas, analyze data, and uncover insights.
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33 out of 60
Sparkline by OKVIZOKVIZ Corp.Displays the trend of multiple measures or category items on a single line, minimizing the footprint
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Power BI visuals
34 out of 60
GANTT by LingaroLingaroTrack all your projects with full visibility of every phase and milestone!
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Power BI visuals
35 out of 60
Selection Slicer by Walnut InnovationWalnut Innovation LimitedMulti-category slicer/filter showing selected and unavailable choices
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Power BI visuals
36 out of 60
PP TimerAddinlyInsert a timer into your PowerPoint presentation. Add an analog or digital timer into your slide.
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37 out of 60 automatically records, transcribes and sends notes to Microsoft Teams after meetings.
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38 out of 60
BreaktimeFlow Simulation Ltd.A quick way to tell everyone when you'll be back, because it's Breaktime!
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39 out of 60
SankeyArt Diagram CreatorSankeyArtTurn financial statements into beautiful Sankey diagrams.
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40 out of 60
FigmaFigmaCollaborate on Figma designs or jam on ideas in FigJam, without leaving Microsoft Teams.
Applicable to:
41 out of 60
MyCaseAffiniPay LLCSave emails to MyCase and capture more billable time without leaving your Outlook inbox.
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42 out of 60
Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft OutlookADOBE INC.Easily convert emails to PDF, append PDFs, or share attachments with public links.
Applicable to:
43 out of 60
GhostwriterSmart Barn TechnologiesEnhance Your Office Apps with a ChatGPT/CoPilot Experience at without Extra Cost!
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44 out of 60
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45 out of 60
Enlighten StorytellerENLIGHTEN DESIGNSTransform your data into compelling narratives with Enlighten AI Storyteller!
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Power BI visuals
46 out of 60
vLexvLexExtend Microsoft Word® with AI-assisted legal research tools from vLex
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47 out of 60
HubSpot for Microsoft Outlook ContactsHubspot, Inc.Sync data between HubSpot and Microsoft Outlook Contacts (and/or Exchange Contacts)
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48 out of 60
Docusign for WordDocuSign, Inc.Work smarter. Securely send, sign and track agreements from Microsoft Word.
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49 out of 60
GPT for ExcelSMALLPDF KENYAGPT for Excel App offers a wide range of possibilities of using AI inside Excel Sheets.
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50 out of 60
Vacation TrackerVacation TrackerManage PTO, holidays, sick leave, and other leave types within Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and Office.
Applicable to:
Office app
51 out of 60
Apex Gantt Chart - Project TimelineAPEX Project Management Inc.A professional Gantt Chart visual to improve project management and schedule reporting
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Power BI visuals
52 out of 60
Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for OutlookMicrosoft Dynamics 365Empower your team to achieve more with Dynamics 365 and Outlook.
Applicable to:
Field Service
53 out of 60
MyCase Advanced Document AutomationAffiniPay LLCMakes drafting and assembling documents the easiest part of your job.
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54 out of 60
Send to PlannerKryl SolutionsThis Outlook add-in makes it easy to send an email to Planner.
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55 out of 60
POS and Invoice TrackerSamnaoPOS and Invoice Tracker is the fastest, easiest way to manage your inventory with the power of Excel
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56 out of 60
Timesheet 365Apps 365 & HR365Timesheet 365: Smart and modern way to manage timesheets for the employees
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57 out of 60
Linear Gauge by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCVisualize progress toward your targets | Power BI Certified
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
58 out of 60
Fuzzy Lookup for ExcelSMALLPDF KENYAThis Fuzzy Lookup add-in for excel allows user to perform fuzzy lookup and Fuzzy match up on excel
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59 out of 60
AI-Assistant for OutlookAnsi ByteCode LLP Office 365AI-Assistant for Outlook: Your Intelligent Email Companion
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60 out of 60