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Apps results for Hospitality & Travel
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Local Explorers Trail AppDaruma Tech LLCA digital trail app that drives engagement, boosts tourism, and connects users with local businesses
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1 out of 60
EliteMarinas: Great BritainElite Dynamics UK Ltd.A fully integrated end-to-end management solution to manage all aspects of a marina.
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Business Central
2 out of 60
OfOne Drive-thru AIOfOneVoice AI agents that automate order taking at restaurant drive-thrus.
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3 out of 60
The Science of Activating User Loyalty.Captain UpMaximize teams & customer's Engagement & Retention, using gamification, social and communication.
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4 out of 60
Illuminar ExperiencesRozieAiIntelligent, natural language search of web content or documents, for agents or customer support.
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5 out of 60
Trade Promotion OptimizationFractal Analytics Inc.Trade Promotion Optimization helps retailers & CPG companies maximize ROI of trade promotion spend.
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6 out of 60
CustomerIQFractal Analytics Inc.CustomerIQ enables churn prediction, customer lifetime value forecasting, and personalization.
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7 out of 60
Uncrowd – Relative Attractiveness for market share growthUncrowdUncover the power of Relative Attractiveness to optimise your CX, grow your market share and uncover
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8 out of 60
Softtrends Marketing Cloud ConnectorSoft Trends LLCSynchronize Salesforce Marketing Cloud data to Azure SQL/Postgres
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9 out of 60
Pig Latin PremiumWestley Systems Inc.Translate any sentence into Pig Latin
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10 out of 60
OxycarOXYCARSimple SaaS mobility solution, carpooling & bike application for companies and their employees.
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11 out of 60
AIRHARTSmarter Airports A/SAIRHART is a modular total airport management platform. Become Smarter together.
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12 out of 60
Quiq Conversational PlatformQuiq, Inc.Enable Apple Business Chat, Google Business Messages and Instagram - Dynamics 365
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13 out of 60
Amperity Customer Data Platform - Full LicenseAmperityUnify and unlock your customer data with machine learning.
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14 out of 60
Lightstream Cloud & Security Application Powered by AzureLightstreamLightstream Connect a Cloud and Security Optimization Application powered by Microsoft Azure
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15 out of 60
SmartHOTEL Channel ManagerSmartHOTELChannel Manager
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16 out of 60
fleetonomyFleetonomyAn AI based platform for fleet owners to operate smart mobility services
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17 out of 60
GUEST Hotel SoftwareiSystems Information Technologies SLGUEST is the most complete and easy to manage hotel management software
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18 out of 60
IonToneaZaaS Pte LtdMOBILE FIRST platform that help transforms business via digitise their products and operations
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19 out of 60
OrderPointBarter Technologies Pty LtdOrderPoint - A Complete Business Solution APP for Food and Beverages industry
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20 out of 60
On-site Smart Sales AnimationBEYABLESmart sales animation panel for web and mobile sites
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21 out of 60
Catchpoint Synthetic+RUM Monitoring PlatformCatchpoint Systems IncCatchpoint Synthetic and Real User Monitoring Platform
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22 out of 60
CloudMoyo Rail Crew Management (CCM)CloudMoyo IncCloudMoyo Crew Management is an Azure-based crew management software for the rail industry
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23 out of 60
CMFlexCMCorp Soluções em Informática S.A.A Solução CMFlex é um poderoso ERP, flexível e abrangente que atende a indústria, comercio e serviço
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24 out of 60
ConICAVConigitalConigital Integrated Connected and Automated Vehicle Platform
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25 out of 60
Local Presence Management (LPM)DAC GroupManage all of your online location listings on one convenient dashboard
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26 out of 60
Deep North Video Analytics PlatformDeep NorthDeep North AI Platform - Analytics for Retail, Malls, Commercial Real Estate, and Transportation
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27 out of 60
ShopRunDreamArts CorporationShopRun is a cloud service designed specifically for retail companies to organize the communication
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28 out of 60
Ticketing Platform and Backstage Solutionsdogusbilgiislemveteknolojihizmetlerias-4000241A digitalized ticketing platform for safe and flexible purchase and access experiences
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29 out of 60
Distil NetworksDistil NetworksDistil Networks Bot Management
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30 out of 60
Exelsys Human Capital ManagementExelsysExelsys HCM helps to simplify Human Capital Management by automating and streamline HR Processes
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31 out of 60
Facture CloudFACTUREElectronic collaboration and billing technological platform
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32 out of 60
Fathym ForecasterFathym Inc.The Fathym Forecaster combines weather forecasts with statistics-based, machine-learning.
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33 out of 60
GoTo Car Sharing PlatformGoTo MobilityWhite label platform for car sharing
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34 out of 60
Green 4 GoGreen 4 Solutions LimitedGreen 4 Go
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35 out of 60
Unified Commerce ModuleHeadstart GlobalUnified Retail Commerce
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36 out of 60
Footmarks SmartConnect Proximity PlatformFootmarksPersonalization through Proximity, Identity, and Context powering mobile engagement & marketing data
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37 out of 60
Beekeeper - Employee AppBeekeeperBeekeeper, the award-winning employee app to connect your non-desk workers.
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38 out of 60
POINTR - Customer & Marketing AnalyticsAAreteAn application to improve customer experience with AI-powered customer and marketing analytics.
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39 out of 60
hubtobeeHUBTOBEEIntelligence that enriches mobility: the shared company travel calendar that connects colleagues
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40 out of 60
Internet of Logistics - Smart Fleet Managementhypernymfzllc-4553301iol-001 provides complete insight into logistics operations via sensors, AI & Machine learning..
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41 out of 60
IOL EnterpriseIllusions OnlineIllusions Enterprise - Cloud-based enterprise solutions for travel and hospitality businesses
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42 out of 60
Video Engagement, Inc.Indi Introductory Offer
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43 out of 60
InnGage CitypointsInnoWaveInnoWave’s New Gamification Application Recognizes and Rewards Citizens Engagement
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44 out of 60
Instart Cloud Services for Application ExperienceInstartOptimize and secure your web apps at the point of experience
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45 out of 60
Restaurant Analytics HubIntellyticsIntellytics - Restaurant Analytics Hub
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46 out of 60
DOKO Productivity Safety & Security SolutionsKONFIDES Bilgi TeknolojileriWe transform indoor locations like campus, office, factory and warehouse to safer and more productiv
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47 out of 60
LDC DC MigrationLink DatacenterMigrate your data center successfully with maximum efficiency and minimal downtime
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48 out of 60
Lobster Ink Training SolutionLobster InkLobster Ink is an enterprise-class learning platform built for the demands of today’s workforce
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49 out of 60
AI scheduling solution for ground transportationMagenta DevelopmentRoute Optimization, Delivery and Transportation management, Job Dispatch
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50 out of 60
LogoOnAzureMakronet Bilgi TeknolojileriLogo On Azure - Safe, Secure, Fast, and Accessible everywhere cloud ERP platform.
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51 out of 60
Smart City Tourism SolutionMeylah CorporationEnabling Last Mile Connectivity with Smart City Tourism Solutions
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52 out of 60 for Airline Crew OperationsMerlot AeroWant productive, happy crews with fewer costly disruptions?
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53 out of 60
MewsMewsProperty management software that is finally revolutionising the guest experience
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54 out of 60
CCMSMinisoftCCMS is Hybrid cloud-based Chatbot Build & Management Solution.
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55 out of 60
Moovit MaaSMoovitMoovit Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions help businesses and governments improve urban mobility
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56 out of 60
Namogoo Customer Hijacking PreventionNamogooNamogoo blocks unauthorized injected ads and improves eCommerce KPIs
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57 out of 60
ClimalyticsNihilent Inc.Powerful weather analytics solution that integrates with your data, turning insights into action.
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58 out of 60
Multi-Cloud Managed ServicesOneAsia Network LimitedManage Your Cloud, Strengthen Your Business
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59 out of 60
Overdrive Basic Fleet ManagementOverdrive IOT Pte LtdGain visibility and control over your fleet operations using Overdrive Fleet Management System
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60 out of 60