Rendezvous desk booking and hoteling software

by NFS Technology Group

Create the best and safest desk booking environment

Agile and remote working is on the rise.  With the advent of Covid 19 it is now important to be able to offer the facility to book desks and also to maintain safe social distancing and hygiene practices.

Rendezvous desk booking software from NFS makes desk booking an easy and safe process.

Easy to use

With a range of mobile apps, including our Rendezvous QuickBook option, booking desks has never been easier. Our mobile app floorplan module makes it easy to visually select and book desks directly from the floorplan. With worker wellbeing being so important right now socially distancing can be enforced on the floorplan and cleaning times both before and after a desk booking are factored in.  With full integration to Outlook, staff and service teams are kept fully in the loop.

The integration doesn't stop there. Working with a range of wayfinding and desk panel solutions as well as offering QR code scanning we have developed a safe no touch solution to help staff get back to work safely. Staff can check into their desk space using a QR code scanner built into the mobile app or use RFID technology built into the desk panels to quickly check in/out. We also offer a thermal imaging sensor solution where staff can find an available space and simply walk up to it - the sensor takes care of checking in and out.

Maximise your space

Another feature we have introduced is reverse hoteling. This feature makes it easy to release permanent desks into the desk pool - a great feature to maximise socially distanced space - when, for example, someone is on holiday they can release their desk for a colleague to use while they are away.

Other great space utilisation features include our graphical dashboards and reporting which, thanks to our sensor solution, are 100% accurate and provide the complete toolkit for making future real estate decisions.

Contact Us Today

We would love to start a conversation about how our solutions can help you on your agile working journey. Please complete the form today and let's talk.

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