Adobe Connect for Microsoft Outlook


Schedule meetings with Adobe Connect rooms easily within Outlook.

Adobe Connect for Microsoft Outlook simplifies the scheduling of meetings by allowing users to view their list of rooms and adding them directly into Outlook events.

Add-in benefits

Schedule your meetings with Adobe Connect rooms easily, directly from Outlook streamlining the scheduling process and eliminating the need for extra steps

  • Quickly schedule meetings: Schedule your meetings and add your default Adobe Connect room with ease.
  • Create new virtual room: Create a new Adobe Connect virtual room for your meetings within Outlook.
  • Set and manage your default rooms for meetings: Manage and update default virtual room for your meetings.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access and modify personal information in the active message, such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, and attachment information. It may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance