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Image GridFredrik HedenströmVisualize images in Power BI.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
1 out of 60
Microsoft 365 Usage AnalyticsMicrosoft CorporationAnalyze usage and adoption trends of Microsoft 365 services and apps in your organization
Applicable to:
Power BI apps
2 out of 60
BoomerangBaydin Inc.#1 meeting scheduling and email productivity tool. Inbox calendar scheduling and email management.
Applicable to:
3 out of 60
Advanced Gauge - xVizxViz LLCCompare Actual vs. Target with Dual-Axis & Color-Coded Alerts for upto 2 KPIs!
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
4 out of 60
Bing MapsMicrosoft CorporationThe Bing Maps add-in makes it easy to plot locations and visualize your data through Bing Maps in Excel
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5 out of 60
People GraphMicrosoft CorporationTransform cold data into a cool picture.
Applicable to:
6 out of 60
Duden-Mentor-TextprüfungCornelsen Verlag GmbH.Der Duden-Mentor verbessert Rechtschreibung, Grammatik, Zeichensetzung und Stil in Ihren Texten.
Applicable to:
7 out of 60
Violin PlotDaniel Marsh-PatrickUse to visualise the distribution of your data.
Applicable to:
Power BI visuals
8 out of 60
Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft Teams and OutlookADOBE INC.Gain insights, edit, convert, and collaborate on PDFs
Applicable to:
Office app