Drill Down Pie PRO (Filter) by ZoomCharts

by ZoomCharts

Microsoft PBI Certified
(13 ratings)
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Enjoy interactive drilldowns, user friendly navigation and beautiful design.

Drill Down Pie PRO (Filter) takes the traditional pie chart to a new level. Used by 80% of Fortune 200 companies, it offers an enjoyable end user experience through user-friendly navigation and a beautiful design.

Use rich customization options to control the appearance of your pie chart. By clicking directly on the pie chart slices, you can explore up to 9 data levels and drill down into specific data categories. Drill Down Pie PRO (Filter) also provides touch-driven interactions and smooth animations, making data exploration quick, easy, and fun.


  • On-chart drill down – explore up to 9 data levels by clicking directly on the pie chart
  • Full customization – customize every pie chart slice, label and legend, add 3D effects
  • Adjustable automatic “Others” grouping – set the number of pie chart slices visible, the rest will be grouped together
  • Cross-chart filtering – select data points on multiple charts instead of using slicers
  • Touch-device friendly – get equal experience on any device


  • Sales & Marketing – sales and campaign data, sales team performance, research results
  • Human Resources – staff composition, salary distribution, performance data
  • Accounting & Finance – income and expense analysis, billings, creditors and debtors
  • Project management – risk distribution, issue and task analysis, resource allocation

This visual offers in-app purchases and comes with 30 days free access to the paid features.

Get Drill Down Pie PRO (Filter) as part of the ZoomCharts Visual Bundle and create cutting-edge and interactive report using all Drill Down Visuals.

Find free sample reports, documentation, and other free resources check out ZoomCharts video tutorials.

In case of any inquiries, contact our support team.


ZoomCharts Drill Down Visuals are known for their interactive drilldowns, rich customization options, and on-chart interactions that help you filter large amounts of data with just a simple click. They are mobile friendly and support: interactions, selections, custom and native tooltips, filtering, bookmarks, and context menu.

Use Drill Down Visuals to create Drill Down Reports that business users absolutely love – visually appealing, with intuitive, quick and easy data exploration experience on every device.

For a free demo, book a meeting.

ZoomCharts visuals are covered and protected by U.S. Patent 11,645,343.


Visual capabilities

This visual is certified by Power BI

At a glance