Voice Recognition for Dynamics 365 CRM
by WaveAccess2
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Speech-to-text service automates CRM data input and provides speech analytics
Voice Recognition empowered Dynamics CRM suite for Human Resources
Use voice recognition services to enhance business operations and to lower costs
for better business results
Traditionally, the interviews - live or held by phone - has been fairly one-dimensional: the HR specialists asks, receives and transcribes information from the applicant, then inputs it into the CRM, with some subjectivity, errors or delay. Even if the interview was recorded, it is analyzed manually.
AI powered CRM Suite is transforming the way HRs drive greater engagement across the entire hiring process.
Here's how it works:
- Through Azure Cognitive Services, voice recording files are transcribed from voice to text.
• Speaker separation is applied while transcribing - During the transcription processes the system extracts key-value pairs to fill the CRM fields: name, gender, age, contacts, desired position, desired salary etc.
- That data is categorized and classified, ready for analysis in CRM.
- The voice recording is available by url and can be listened in embedded player right in Applicant profile
Benefits for HR
- Automatic data input. Service allows skipping time-consuming manual data input and produces less errors
- A text script of the recording is searchable, able to be mined for keywords and other information that could be useful in the long term
- Speech translation. A transcripted text can be translated and analyzed on a different language which is important in case the candidate’s and CRM languages are different
WaveAccess solution specific features
- Voice recording agnostic solution
- A text script of the recording is searchable, able to be mined for keywords and other information that could be useful in the long term
- Voice separation for conversation transcription
At a glance
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