Spectro Tanks
by Vision Valley
Spectro Tanks is wireless tank monitoring solutions, lets you check fluid levels in multiple tanks
Spectro Tanks
Spectro Tank© is wireless tank monitoring solutions that lets you check fluid levels in multiple tanks, across multiple sites, all from your computer or smartphone for real time access to data you can use to reduce your costs, improve your e ciency and expand your customer base.
As a Spectro Tank© customer you will have 24X7 access to your tanks critical data to make the smartest management decisions. Specifically, Spectro Tank© takes raw data such as tank level, temperature other storage criteria captured from Spectro tank sensors and translates it into actionable information, graphics and maps that agri-business, petroleum, restaurant and a host of other industries can use to drive new e ciencies in storage tank management and overall business operations.
Sepctro Tank© enables companies in di"erent sectors including agriculture, fertilizers, oil and gas, water and chemical to successfully monitor their tanks remotely whether they have large bulk storage tanks or small tanks.