tiLly {today i Learned} Microsoft Teams BOT
Engage, Empower and Support learners with the tiLly {today i Learned} BOT!
The tiLly {today i Learned} BOT connects employees to knowledge and expert support, right from their menu in Microsoft Teams.
By engaging the BOT, employees can access both organisation-specific and managed-service Q&A and content.
Engagement between an employee and subject matter experts, via the BOT, adds further support by organically building the Q&A, ensuring tacit knowledge remains within the business.
The tiLly BOT can be utilised in 2-ways, or a combination of both.
Key Points
The BOT combines Microsoft provisioned Azure AI and BOT services with value-added features:
1. Multiple Service Provision from a Single BOT
The ability to connect to more than one Q&A service, facilitating a client's own specific service and provision of managed service Q&A's.
2. Suggestive Content
The ability for the BOT to search content as well as Q&A to widen the knowledge provided.
3. Expert Connection and Support
The ability to escalate a question and connect to an Expert network - allowing the Experts to respond from within their own Teams Channel.
4. Organically Build Q&A from 1-2-1 Engagements for the Benefit of 1-2-Many
Organically adding the question-and-answer pairing (including any attached documents, images etc.) to the Q&A knowledge base, as a result of a question being escalated to an Expert.
5. Extract Tacit Knowledge and Reduce Risk
By organically building Q&A from 1-2-1 engagements, this extracts knowledge from people into a central base, ensuring tacit knowledge stays with the organisation when people leave.
6. Gamification
The employee can rate the answer to their question - supporting gamification of the Expert network.
7. Analysis
Full audit log of all engagement with the BOT:
Note: The analytics are facilitated by Power BI and as such requires the relevant license. Upon licensing of a paid tiLly subscription, the client will receive an email with a link to access the report.
8. Fixed Pricing
A banded pricing model (including a managed service for M365 Q&A and Learning Videos) removing the complexity of Azure consumption-based services, allowing organisations to budget.
For further pricing information please visit our website - Pricing - Tilly Group
The tiLly partner model supports the extension of managed-service training, knowledge and upskill programmes, in whatever form and context, and addresses a number of common challenges:
Further Information