Intelligent Production Optimization
Helps manufacturers automate planning processes with scenario templates and decision intelligence.
The Challenge
Manufacturing production planning is often a tedious process involving numerous meetings to attend, diverse sets of spreadsheets to consolidate, and lots of iterations. The final plan is often driven by instinct rather than hard data and optimization science.
HMX Intelligent Production Optimization Solution
HMX Intelligent Production Optimization (IPO) reduces the time you spend on planning by more than 50% through definition of your most common planning scenarios, then automating the decision processes involved in data generation, planner feedback, setup of the optimization engine that generates the plan, and interpretation or visualization of the plan results in business intelligence displays.
Microsoft 365 Tools improve the User Experience
All IPO user interactions use Microsoft 365 applications including Excel, Word, and Power BI, so you don’t need to learn new environments or tools. IPO simplifies your current spreadsheet-based processes and auto-generates BI displays that can be specialized for you.
Create Plans with Guaranteed Accuracy
HMX IPO uses the latest optimization setup, running, and interpretation algorithms simplified through an enhanced user experience that removes barriers to creating and explaining accurate plans.
Reduce Energy Costs & Waste to Meet Demand on Schedules you Define.
Efficient production is a complex balancing act. Juggling the many, time-varying factors that impact demand and supply is a difficult task made simpler by identifying your common planning scenarios. IPO uses Goal-Directed Task Analysis (GDTA) methods to determine how your planning experts work now, then augments and enhances this knowledge.
Continuous Improvement with Machine Teaching
Adapting to changing markets and meeting production targets requires a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle that is accelerated through digital transformation. IPO applies the innovative technique of Machine Teaching to address these challenges. In Machine Teaching a Cognitive Map directs both how the IPO learns and how IPO knowledge is applied operationally to reach planning goals.