Unified PPM
by Fellowmind Denmark A/S
Complete solution for Project & Portfolio Management with Project for the web and Power Platform.
Consolidate your Project & Portfolio information in one simple app
Supporting well known PPM frameworks
Unified PPM helps your organization to get its processes right by supporting well known project & portfolio management frameworks such as PMI, Prince2 and Half Double.
Built on Project for the web and Power Platform
Unified PPM is built on top of Project for the web and Power Platform and thus takes advantage of the existing capabilities of the Power Platform such as live connected reports and a set of dashboards.
Unified Resource Management
Resource management is an important topic for most enterprises, so we developed a Unified Resource Management module that supports most Resource Management Maturity Frameworks available in the market.
Risk Management, Issues Management, Lessons Learned
Unified PPM also provides simple, comprehensive, and standard modules for Risk Management, Issues Management, Lessons Learned and others.
Seamless integration with Microsoft Teams
Unified PPM offers a seamless integration between your projects in Project for the web, Power Platform and Microsoft Teams.
Automated provisioning of Microsoft Teams and Office 365 Groups
To ensure that the entire project team have a safe and secure place to collaborate and share knowledge via documents or any kind of information related to your project, Unified PPM automatically provisions a dedicated Microsoft Teams and an Office 365 Group for you and your team.
Automated document generation
To take full advantage of the Power Platform and Dynamics 365 capabilities, Unified PPM provides a fully automated Word document generation based on your own templates.
Native Power BI integration
Unified PPM is using native Power BI integration to provide quick insights about your project directly to your users.