NG-ActiveEdge: Redefining Employee Health & Wellness
Enhance employee well-being and productivity, optimise workforce health and performance.
1. Track daily exercise routines and monitor completed task.
2. Engage in various wellness activities within a holistic wellness hub
3. Seamless and intuitive platform for convenient use
4. Rewarding system where employees earn points for achievement
5. Exciting incentives for redeeming point
6. Fosters a positive and engaging environment
1. Empowers employees to take control of their health and well-being
2. Encourages active participation in wellness journey
3. Provides a sense of excitement and recognition through reward.
4. Motivates employees to engage in healthy habits and activities
1. Creates a vibrant, energetic work environment
2. Boosts employee engagement and productivity
3. Improves employee satisfaction and retention
4. Demonstrates commitment to employee well-being