Customer Portal for Local Govenment
by IEG4 Ltd
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Customer Portal enables councils to maximise digital transformation channel shift.
- Local Authority Digital Transformation toolkit - no code council control
- 'my account' customer account single sign-on via social media/email/mobile
- Personalised and customisable FAQ for individual citizens, mobile-responsive
- Ability to search for online forms/pre-populate/save for later
- Self-serve, track requests, check progress, SLAs - all digital 24/7
- Generic and dynamic Broadcast function for highly personalised citizen engagement
- Sophisticated integration with back-office systems where APIs are available
- Integral functionally-rich workflow and EDMS functionality
- End-to-end transactions, facilitates avoidable contact, speedier service
- Wellbeing functionality to enable effective self-serve social prescription
At a glance