Beacon Tower
by Glaze AB
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Beacon Tower is an Industrial IoT Edge and Cloud Platform for scability and flexibility
Azure IoT Cloud and Edge Solution in two flavours
Tower is built on Microsoft Azure for scalability and flexibility. It
is designed so that you can always branch out from your Beacon Tower
SaaS into your own Beacon Tower Accelerator solution.
its own right, Beacon Tower SaaS is highly customisable, but if you
want to take 100% ownership of your IIoT journey, then the Beacon Tower
Accelerator is the way to go.
The good thing is you don’t have to take the choice upfront: at any time you can switch from Beacon Tower SaaS to Accelerator.
Your data, your Azure platform, your future
believe in open eco-systems and that vendor lock-in is a strategy from
an old era. That is why Beacon Tower is built with open APIs, open data
models and unlimited integration possibilities in Microsoft Azure. We
make it easy to inject data and just as easy to analyse it the way you
prefer. You can also license the platform and manage development
Bridging devices, OT and IT
Beacon Tower connects sensors, devices, PLCs, DCS, SCADA, ERP and MES to gain maximum automation flexibility and prevent vendor lock-in.
At a glance