LIYA Recruiter (powered by GDEXA)
by GDEXA Digital Labs GmbH
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Skillbased Hiring Platform to attract, recruit and retain Tech Talents
Hire based on skills, not degrees
How cool would it be if you value the skills and personality of your future employees more than their grades and certificates? With LIYA Recruiter you will attract, hire and retain the best talents on the market through skillbased hiring.
Diverse talent pool with qualified profiles
LIYA talents going through a learning and upskilling journey before they end up in the pool of possible candidates. They are equipped with role-relevant future skills and soft skills. They already get to know about your job requirements and have shown a proven interest and passion for it. This is what makes LIYA and their talents so special, so diverse, so skilled.
Blind matching let your value and culture shine, not the brand
Do you really want to hire people who want (or don’t want to) join you just because of your company’s name? LIYA makes your culture and values known and ensures that every brand – regardless of popularity – has access to the best talents. Without prejudice, discrimination or advantage.
Ultimate Candidate & Talent Experience with rapid hiring
LIYA is a cool SaaS platform that accelerates your talent acquisition. Qualified candidates will be shown to you immediately after you have uploaded your job advertisement. Once unlocked, you can chat with them directly. Your virtual assistant takes over when you’re not online. All to create a unique talent experience.
At a glance