AnaApp Sourcing & Vendor Management

by ANA01

AnaApp Sourcing & Vendor Management automates supplier sourcing and streamlines vendor relationships

Every procurement team spends hours of manual work on sourcing and supplier management. From filtering down on the most promising suppliers to preparing for their Monday morning meeting.

AnaApp allows you to automatically capture procurement activities outside your S2C Suite or SRM and close projects 25% faster.

Forget about:
  • Lengthy implementation timelines
  • Manually updating S2C Suites with vendor and purchasing data
  • Maintaining obsolete databases of suppliers
  • Tracking down quotes and responses in your email

AnaApp is a plug-n-play cloud-based software that allows buyers to track purchases, collect supplier data on the go and build predictive insights from Day 1.

Imagine the impact on your team's productivity when every search or email exchange with suppliers seamlessly translates into updated and enriched S2C/SRM records.
Save 300+ hours of manual data entry per year with automated purchasing activity capture.

At a glance