
by EDU365 Cayman

(5 ratings)

Designed and built to simplify all the complex tasks undertaken by teachers and school leadership.

The Single System Solution

Everest, from EDU365, combines all the key functionality, usually distributed across the many expensive, disconnected systems used in schools, in order to deliver clear INSIGHT and EFFICIENCY. Quite simply, this transforms the educational experience for each and every stakeholder.

Benefits for Teachers: 

  • Easy to use admin tools for teachers to record:
    • Attendance 
    • Behaviour & Merits
    • Assessment and grading
  • Automatic write-back to SIMS and other school administration systems
  • Easy to use curriculum tools to manage:
    • Homework
    • Curriculum Planning 
    • Resources 
    • Lesson Planning 
    • Messaging Centre for focused communication with staff, students and parents

Benefits for Parents:

  • Browse their child’s school timetable
  • Keep current on their child’s homework
  • Stay informed via in-app messages
  • Keep track of progress and collaborate with teachers
  • View academic reports
  • Observe merits and awards
  • View detailed attendance information

Benefits for Students:

  • iOS and Android apps provide everything a student needs to manage their day and keep on top of their homework
  • A single place for students to easily access all resources for each class
  • Keep track of their own progress and collaborate with teachers to ensure success

Benefits for the IT team:

The Everest Azure Cloud solution can provide significant cost savings for pressured IT Budgets in your school. The app greatly simplifies the complexity of IT provisions required for teachers to perform their duties. With Everest, schools can dramatically reduce the number of applications they need to support and often can eliminate the need for expensive legacy remote access solutions.

Benefits for the SLT:

Everest is intuitive and is proven to require minimal training for staff. As a result, the onboarding and change management burden is refreshingly light. This drives further efficiency for teachers providing more time for Teaching and Learning.

The Everest ‘EInsight’ module provides live key metrics for senior leaders helping them with their management duties in areas such as enrolment, attendance, behaviour and achievements, assessment and more. In addition, Everest provides utilisation metrics for each functional area to help drive consistency and rapid adoption.

Everest is an Azure hosted Web Application that utilizes the Microsoft Public Cloud including, SQL, Web Apps, and Blob Storage. In addition, PowerBi has been used to provide high-level analytical dashboards.

At a glance