Tool to Administrator & Automate Power BI tasks
is the product of durkhun.com. It is built on powerBI rest apis. PowerBISight Enables you to
- Manage PowerBI Content
- Admin operations
- Embed Power BI Content
Bulk Row Level Security
This feature enables users to implement the Row Level Security in Bulk. Normally a user have to implement many manual steps to perform the Row Level Security Like creating Roles and Filters and after that publishing in to workspaces and in the end user has to add various groups and users to Roles. It is a lot of work; But with this feature you only have to define roles ,filters and associations with users in files and Just press a button to perform all cumbersome work to be done in seconds
One Click Dataset Transfer
The DataSet Transfer from one workspace to another workspace is a difficult especially when row level security is involved; With this feature a user only need to transfer DataSet from one workspace to another without worrying about the Row Level Security being disturbed . But road does not end here this feature will also help users to copy dataset from one workspace to another without worry.
Work Space Users
This feature allow users to Add workspace users in bulk; normally A user has to add multiple users in bulk with respect to various roles; It becomes tedious when users become more then 30 or so; In order to make it in more ease and user friendly PowerBIsight provide power to users to add workspace users to respective roles in bulks and with in seconds; Not only this a user may remove the workspace users in bulks
Download Reports with more then 150K Row
Normally if a user download the table from a report ; The User shall only be able to download not more then 150K; PowerBIsight basically provides you power to download tables having more then 150K Rows.
On demand datasets refresh
DataSets can be refreshed automatically; With PowerBIsight User just refresh datasets on demand without moving to various workspaces;
Up coming features
Power BI Reports
Opening Power BI Reports
Removing Power BI Reports
Cloning Power BI Reports
Data Flows
Checking DataFlow Storage Account
Checking Assignments of DataFlow
Halting DataFlow transactions
Execution of Data Flow
GateWay Administration
Adding User
Removing User
Creating Datasource
Delete DataSources
Pipeline Administration
Create PipeLine
Update PipeLine
PipeLine Users Information
For testing the experience please visit Durkhun website
For viewing the features and road map please visit PowerBISight