CTGlobal Insight Analytics
by CTGlobal A/S
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Insight Analytics is a data visualization and risk management SaaS solution for the IT organization
1. True business
success comes from productivity and the freedom to focus on what really
matters. A subscription to Insight Analytics comprises a) the
dashboard-visualization of your infrastructure, which gives you a clear view of
the issues already affecting your infrastructure, and b) a data analysis
service to ensure you get full return on your investment. Together, they
give you the power to predict threats, weaknesses and problems that may impact
your business in the long run. And the ability to track and project
development, trends and results over time.
2. The
insights generated are used by top- and mid-level management to: make
procurement decisions (hardware and software); optimize performance and
operational excellence; to prioritize security and compliance measures; and to
document the effects of decisions and investments.
3. With a full
overview, you will be free to focus on growth, a healthy and satisfied
workforce, and success: You can control cost, boost performance and strengthen
security. This enables you to make informed, intelligent decisions about
what to fix, and what to prioritize. Your decisions will be based on facts
about your specific environments – not on generic best practice
recommendations, or triggered by media hype about the latest cyber
threat. You will know what to do, and be able to predict the outcome of
your actions. You will be able to make recommendations to your
organization based on knowledge and analysis, rather than instinct and
Insight Analytics is priced as a service with a monthly payment per device in your estate.
At a glance