Axians Digital Workplace

by Axians Communication Solutions

Work smarter, faster and secure with Axians digital workplace

Put your employees at the center

Our Digital workplace does not focus on technology, but on your employees. What does someone need to do their job well? This depends on the applications he of she works with, on whether someone's work is location-bound or not, and on the device that person prefers to use. By combining these factors, we have developed three types of workplaces. These workplaces can be mixed to deliver a fir for purpose solution to the different groups within your organization.

Modern workplace. This workplace is in line with Microsoft's development towards a "Modern Workplace" where there is a lot of attention for personal needs of a user. Paying attention for these needs translates to engaged and satisfied users that drive productivity. The workplace assumes that business applications are offered from a SaaS model with only a few legacy applications. The service uses Microsoft 365 technology and provides controlled freedom for installing software yourself. We offer the Modern workplace in three variants. A "full-admin" user has rights to install applications himself, "No admin" user has limited rights to install applications and "Shared device" the device is shared between users.

Azure virtual desktop is the ideal solution for organizations looking for a robust and secure digital workplace. The Azure virtual desktop is available from any device with a browser and internet connection. A user gets a full Windows 10 desktop. The Azure virtual desktop is ideal for organizations with legacy applications and/or high security requirements for information. The applications and data remain within the walls of the data centers of Microsoft Azure. The Azure virtual desktop comes in three variants: “Standard” (multi-session) for regular office tasks, “Performance” (VDI) for heavier calculations and “Graphic” (VDI with a gpu) for CAD/CAM applications.

Web workspace. In many cases employees do not need a Windows desktop. Think of truck drivers, firefighters or machine operators. But in a world where everything is increasingly digital, they do need a mailbox or access to SharePoint, a Teams channel or HR application. This functionality must be available from a phone or from a browser on any system. For this application we offer the Web workspace. The Web workspace comes in two variants “Frontline worker” for employees who only need access to online Office applications and “Workspace”. The Workspace offers a website from which a user can start all his applications and find information. Simple, clear and safe.

At a glance