by Astadia, Inc.
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A powerful tool to automatically convert legacy source code into modern source code
Astadia’s CodeTurn takes an application’s source code and automatically converts it to functionally identical sources, now ready to run within an alternative environment on the same platform, or on a different platform altogether.
Since both the conversion and the testing is fully automated, the outcome of the project is highly predictable, in terms of risks, costs, and duration. The migrated application is free of dependencies on proprietary Astadia software and relies on native industry-standard technologies instead.
All Astadia conversions ensure three types of equivalence:
- Functional equivalence: the converted application’s behavior is identical to that of the original one;
- Performance equivalence: the converted application will perform at least as well as the original one (of course, assuming adequate infrastructure); and
- Maintenance equivalence: maintenance of the converted application will be - after proper training provided by Astadia - comparable in effort to the original application.
CodeTurn for Natural: Takes any application developed in Natural (i.e. the programs, DDM’s, copycodes etc.) and automatically converts it into a fully identical application, but designed to run within an alternative environment on the same platform, or a different platform altogether.
At a glance