Atrius Building Insights

by Acuity Brands, Inc.

Deliver the most accurate, complete picture of portfolio energy performance.

Reach your most ambitious sustainability goals

Deliver the most accurate, complete picture of portfolio energy performance.

Centralized Reporting

Achieve a bird’s eye view of total building and equipment energy consumption.

Engage Occupants

Showcase progress on ESG and energy conservation goals with public-facing displays.

Data Management

Eliminate spreadsheets with automated data management and quality functions.

Streamline sustainability reporting across your entire building portfolio

  • Auditable GHG calculation methodology of scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions (emissions factors library including all EPA, IPCC, UK DEFRA and GHGP)
  • Automate and streamline reporting (CDP, TCFD, SASB and GRESB)
  • Proactive energy management and using predictive baseline modeling
  • Standard and custom reports and rate structures for proactive monitoring
  • Capital project tracking using IPMVP Option A, B, & C

Corporate sustainability initiatives are continuing to rise in importance through a variety of factors including social responsibility, community engagement, and mandates from regulatory agencies.

As organizations continue to develop and establish ambitious targets for reducing the impact of their emissions, they lack the tools and resources to fully understand how to accurately track, measure and report on their progress. Atrius offers a cloud-based sustainability reporting and energy management platform that helps organizations reach their most ambitious climate action goals. Through our platform, customers gain a bird's eye view of their total portfolio energy consumption through interval and historical data.

At a glance