iGlobe CRM Power BI reporting

by iGlobe

(2 ratings)

12 interactive dashboards that add value to your version of iGlobe CRM Office 365

IMPORTANT! This Power BI Solution requires that you have deployed iGlobe CRM Office 365 on your Office 365 tenant. You must have a valid license and the App fully functional. iGlobe CRM Office 365 is a simple and easy to use app for organizations using Office 365. With the “One Click will do the trick” philosophy, iGlobe Office 365 CRM is a well-designed application, that will make your browsing experience feel like it was made just for you and your device. So easy to use your staff will actually use it! WHY REPORTING. Get a better understanding of you customers and act proactive. How is the sales this year compare to last year. What they are buying and how loyal they are? Whom do we communicate most with? Which one of your sales rep. is most active? How often do we meet our customers? Are our customers satisfied? What are their expectation to the future? How do we segment our customers? Moreover, how is the sale in these segments? We can go on and on. Most important the reporting tool must be dynamic and easy to customize and adjust on the fly. Want to forecast sales better, hit that record sales target, and increase profitability per sale? How about providing users with a dashboard-based navigation to find exactly the customers group the want to target? Or a simply and quick overview of the meeting reports they need to follow up on? Choosing between 12 interactive dashboards you can implement exactly the dashboards that add value to your version of iGlobe CRM Office 365. Your top 10 CRM customers. Top contributors among your sales rep and the meeting activity among the sales rep. All this you can see directly in the dashboard. Just One Click will do the trick. With iGlobe CRM Solution for Office 365, you do not have to settle with a specific number of reports or spent money on developing new or special reports. Reporting is all about getting a simple, better, and accurate overview of your CRM data. It most be a simple tool that can be used both within and outside the CRM system. Why should the CEO open the CRM system? Information and reports must be available at the CEO’s hand any time, in real time at the executive intranet in Office 365. That where the CEO have all other information. Using Excel to create you CRM reports and Office web-apps to present it in SharePoint Online you have a unique Business Intelligent tool. If this isn’t enough Office 365 Power BI will most defiantly do the trick. Notice, iGlobe CRM Power BI reports is and add-on to iGlobe CRM Office 365 and is therefore under the license agreement for End-User License Agreement for iGlobe CRM Office 365

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