Collage Pro by CloudScope

by CloudScope, LLC

Microsoft PBI Certified
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Collage Pro displays images in the style of Instagram, using either a grid or detail display.

Collage Pro allows you to beautifully display images within your Power BI report.

You can display images in either a compact grid display or a larger detail view in a style similar to Instagram. To display an image, you provide a connection to image data in your dataset. In addition to the image data, you can optionally display any of the following field types:

  • Video data, for playback
  • Permalink url
  • Author name
  • Author profile image
  • Caption or description
  • Date
  • Media type

In addition, you can provide any generic data fields that you wish (number, true/false, date, string). These data elements will be automatically formatted in the familiar Instagram style for numbers and dates.

Please note that as a certified visual, Collage Pro does not support links to external images via http or https urls. Your image and video data must be stored entirely within your own dataset, typically encoded in base64 or svg format.

Collage Pro can act as a filter to other visuals within your report. It also fully supports the Power BI bookmark feature.


Collage Pro requires a license, except for when used in the Power BI Desktop application. For most organizations, you can choose an inexpensive per-user license option in the AppSource store.

Please note that the AppSource license does not support "Publish to Web" or "Embedded" scenarios. To enable Collage Pro to work in unsupported environments, visit the Collage page to learn more.

Visual capabilities

This visual is certified by Power BI

At a glance