Easy SPC

by BCN Group Ltd.

Microsoft PBI Certified
(3 ratings)
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Revolutionise the way you use data to drive better decision making with SPC charts.

EasySPC is our advanced solution designed to take your existing SPC practices to the next level, moving beyond the limitations of traditional tools like Excel.

All the features you need to create SPC charts using your own data

  • Chart types include C, U, U’, P, P’, T, G, XmR and XbarS
  • Upper and Lower Specification Limits (USL/LSL)
  • Intelligent selection wizard
  • Easy to use menus for resetting baselines, calculating limits, annotations, and target lines
  • Upper and Lower Specification Limits (USL/LSL)
  • Intelligent selection wizard
  • Automatic highlighting
  • On or off toggle for Sigma 1 and 2
  • Export charts into PowerPoint or PDF
  • Customisable settings
  • Up to 100 SPC templates
  • Developed to ensure compatibility

Elevate your SPC practices

  • Heavily reduces technical resource requirements by automating the recalculation process
  • UI Design optimised to ensure single click access to top 6 features
  • Enables users to easily recalculate limits and add annotations
  • Dynamically drilldown into directorate and service areas
  • Enables business users to easily and quickly set/reset baselines
  • ‘Near real time’ data analysis to support forward planning
  • Updates based on customer feedback
  • Create an unlimited amount of SPC Charts
  • Control charts for all levels across an organisational structure

EasySPC uses best practice methodologies that support IHI (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) and NHSI Making Data Count #PlotTheDots icons.

Capability Analysis at the click of a button

Instantly calculate capability scores (inc CPK & PPK) for each process to identify priority areas for improvement.

This new feature can be partnered with EasySPC Spotlight, to filter and prioritise processes based on their stability and capability. This enables you to focus your improvement efforts on areas that need it the most.

EasySPC Spotlight

A single overview of performance across multiple indicators, shining a ‘spotlight’ on any unexpected results, so users can quickly identify potential issues and take the appropriate action.

Designed to provide a simplified top-level view of all indicators, Spotlight enables effortless navigation through extensive data sets, to spot anomalies and decide where to direct additional resources.

EasySPC is available as a free visual with limited features. For free trial licence with all features, please email

Visual capabilities

This visual is certified by Power BI

At a glance