by oorwin labs
Parse multiple resumes at a go, add job requirements and make submissions by click of a button
Oorwin can be connected via O365 and has the following features:
Parse Job : Job requirements to user are usually received via email. User can parse the email and map details in their respective fields in job form
Parse Job Form : User can assign the job to recruiters, edit details wherever required and save the job
Parse Resume : Potential candidates’ resumes are received as attachments to users
Bulk Add : User can parse the resumes and save them in their database
Add Candidate Form : If it is a single resume attachment, then user will be able to see the candidate form for update and save
Add Account : When user receives email from a new account/company, then user can click on Add Account to add
Add Contact : When user receives email from a new contact, then user can click on add contact to add all the email IDs in To and CC, In case a contact is from a new account/company, then the account is also included along with it
Submit Candidate : User can submit suitable candidate for job requirement received in an email
Tag Job : Candidate can be submitted for the job already existing in the portal
Add Job : If a job is not added in the portal, then user can add the job and submit the candidate at the same time
Share Resume : Instead of submitting the candidate, user can share the resume as reply to the email
Submission Preview : A submission form, with pre-selected fields and template, will be included in submission preview
Select Fields and Template : User can update the fields and change the template. The submission form is then included as reply in compose email
Submit Pool : Submit pool is submitting bench candidates for job requirements in the email
Tag Job : Bench candidate can be submitted for the job already existing in the portal
Add Job : If a job is not added in the portal, then user can add the job and submit the bench candidate at the same time
Share Resume : Instead of submitting the bench candidate, user can share the resume of as reply to the email
Pool Job : User can add a pool job, which is a job requirement exclusively for a bench candidate, and then make a submission
Submission Preview : A submission form, with pre-selected fields and template, will be included in submission preview.Select Fields and Template: User can update the fields and change the template.The submission form is then included as reply in compose email
Track Email : Email chain of a job requirement can be tracked and saved in the portal
Add Document : User can upload documents of a candidate from system to the portal
Parse & Tag Candidate : User add and submit candidate for particular job .
Opportunities : User create opportunities and submit those opportunities for particular job.
Signup : The link redirects to the website url. Our Sales team will get in touch with you to understand your needs and discuss on the pricing plans to use the product Oorwin. On agreeing upon the common terms, you will be receiving an email to set the password. On successful setting of password, the user is ready to use the software for free upto 7 days in trial period. You have an option to upgrade with the portal by making a payment to continue using the product and features.
Oorwin Office Add-in is not using any third party services or accounts.
Forgot password : Will be redirected to the website where you can enter the email used to authenticate on the webportal. You will be receiving a password reset link on your email.
Login : You can start using the Oorwin web portal credentials to login which is either created by you on successful signup or created by your company and shared over to you
App capabilities
- Can send data over the Internet
- This app can access and modify personal information in the active message, such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, and attachment information. It may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.