
by Dyxo

Unlock 10%+ Growth per year by making sure your Salesforce data is up-to-date

Did you know that more than 10% of annual revenue is lost due to bad CRM Data ?

32% of Salesforce's data is out of date at all times

Sales teams have lots of reasons to forget to updates their CRM records : when a Lead changes status, a close date changes, or anything you can think of. And that makes your reports not trustable.

15% of Salesforce's data is missing details

Even with validation rules, it can be complicated to make sure your team follows your processes : leads without a next steps, tasks without a date... possibilities of missing data are endless.

Pyko is there to make everything seamless

Let your sales team update your CRM data in a seamless way by being able to receive alerts at the right time and take action directly from Microsoft Teams without having to open Salesforce.

Alert the right person when the data is wrong

Configure alerts that will ping the right user at the right time as soon as something happens

Pyko is the missing link between Salesforce and Microsoft Teams

Alert the right people at the right time

Pyko allows you to define alerts that will go off when the required conditions are met. You can set conditions on any type of object in your CRM (standard or custom) that will trigger either on a recurring basis ("cleaning rules") or directly when the data moves in Salesforce ("live alerts").

When an alert triggers :

- A message is sent to the right destination, being either one of your users or a Microsoft Teams channel of your choice

- The user can then take action directly in the message by using the actions buttons you set up

Actions directly from Microsoft Teams

When a user or a channel receives a message from Pyko, they have the capacity to take action directly from Microsoft Teams, without having to open Salesforce

This means :

- Changing the state of an object

- Changing dates

- Adding information

- Changing owners

- Anything else you can think of

Pyko account needed

In order to use this app, users must be attached to an active organization. Please contact our sales team for more details at

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance