IllumiTacit Email Sorter

by IllumiTacit, LLC

Use your AI-powered IllumiTacit Macros to intelligently sort your emails into desired folders.

Use your AI-powered IllumiTacit Macros to intelligently sort your emails into desired folders!

Move your emails to target folders in Microsoft Outlook with AI. Use your AI-powered Macros defined in IllumiTacit to classify and sort your emails by anything you like!

  1. Define sorting functions based on IllumiTacit Macros.
  2. Control which part of the Email is sent to the Macro, if any.
  3. Sort each message with a click of a button.

Change log


  • Initial release.

* This extension requires an IllumiTacit subscription. Sign up now at

** This extension requires signing in with a Microsoft Account (to move your emails).

*** Screenshots generated by

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can read or modify the contents of any item in your mailbox, and create new items. It can access personal information -- such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, or attachments -- in any message or calendar item. It may send this data to a third-party service.

At a glance