by Confirmed LLC
Use AI & cognitive science to schedule meetings, optimize travel and manage your time.
By adding Confirmed to your Outlook 365, you gain superpowers including…
• Reduce to a few clicks the work it takes to enter your Outlook emails (inbound and outbound) into
• Use AI travel optimization to geo-group your meetings around town or around the world and ensure you have time to travel between each one
• Enrich the info you have about each meeting so you can have it on hand and make better decisions
• Share links in just a few clicks to confirm meetings, including making it easier for them to accept, and prioritizing the meetings that are most meaningful to you.
With Confirmed, you’ll reclaim your time from the most time consuming and arduous tasks you do daily and refocus it on the people and activities that make you most successful.
✓ Schedule your time in a few clicks
✓ On-the-go professionals can save hours of travel weekly
✓ Make it easier for the other person to accept your meetings by presenting your suggestions in a normal calendar view, and by pre-filling the info on their behalf
✓ Include multiple people in your meetings and see rosters that include their full names
✓ Pull info from your Outlook and Google contacts to minimize your own efforts
and others
✓ Prioritize your days better and streamline the time wasted going from meeting to meeting
A simple sign-up sets you up in 10-minutes and you’ll save hours every week as you make life easier and more successful.
Confirmed was named “Innovator of the Year Start-up Finalist” for the past two years running. The company is a Microsoft Partner, Salesforce ISV Partner, and trusted by organizations large and small.
The Confirmed Outlook add-in requires a Confirmed subscription. Learn more about it at
If you have Salesforce, Hubspot, Zoho, or Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Confirmed can supplement them to make them work better.
Whether you’re using Calendly, Doodle, Cirrus Insight, OnceHub, or Time Trade, you’ll find Confirmed to be the upgrade you always wanted. And you’ll gain new capabilities that are not part of the other apps.
App capabilities
- Can send data over the Internet
- This app can access and modify personal information in the active message, such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, and attachment information. It may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.