Advanced People Directory

by HappyWired Ltd

A webpart to display user information from across your organisation

Advanced People Directory is a webpart that can be added to SharePoint and Teams to display user information from across your organization. The tool allows you to search by multiple user attributes, including department, skills, groups and more.

Search results appear as sleek profile cards in a fully responsive layout that blends seamlessly with SharePoint and Teams. Selecting a result opens a detailed profile view containing more information about a person and their connections, allowing navigation through your organization by selecting skills, groups, memberships and connected people.

Fully configurable add-in allowing control over visible features, search scope adjustment and results card customization to create a unique search experience tailored to you and your organization.


  • Quickly search for people
  • Show groups, teams and departments
  • Explore a user profiles, their relationships and teams
  • Embed throughout your sites and teams

This solution includes support for SharePoint full page webpart, Teams tab and Teams personal tab components.

Please note that in order to use the webpart a SaaS subscription is required, which can be purchased here. The webpart will display an error message if no subscription is found for your tenant.

Find more details on our Advanced People Directory product page.

At a glance