Document GPS

by ShelterZoom Corp.

(2 ratings)

Track, modify and delete already sent attachments using blockchain-based security.

Upgrade your insecure email attachment paperclip to the new Document GPS paperclip to prevent the average of $4.45 million in costs from cyber breaches and reputational damage.

Tokenize, track, and revoke your email attachments right inside your inbox. Built on the distributed ledger, this replacement paperclip provides organizations and individuals with total ownership, control and governance over their own content and documents. All the documents going through this new paperclip are tamper-proof and controlled by originators, eliminating data breaches and wire fraud as well as significantly reducing email compromise and the likelihood of ransomware attacks.

- End-to-end encryption without changing email attachment workflow

- Each document is tokenized with an assigned private key

- Control who can download, share and view your attachments.

- Track who has downloaded, shared, viewed or signed your attachments with timestamped log in real time

- Unlimited E-signatures directly in your email, providing unprecedented convenience and security.

- Screenshot block to prevent unauthorized screenshots and copying

- You can always give or revoke the permission for any recipients to access, download, or share your email attachments.

- Effortlessly manage, track and monitor ALL your email attachments in one library

- Send your recipients a free SECURE LINK so they can upload files to send to you in the same secure ecosystem. Differentiate yourself from your competition by showing your clients you easily protect their data from start to finish.

- Desktop and Mobile seamlessly integrated together so you can track your files on the go. Revoke access from your phone or laptop at any time.

- When you take a photo on mobile the picture is NOT stored on your device, providing you greater privacy.

- Quantum Drive, a robust clearinghouse for powering all your document management needs. Available with our downloadable add-in and on the web, Quantum Drive is the workhorse from where you can collaborate, share, manage, track, revoke, sign and tokenize your files (including documents, videos, audio and more). A brand new way to securely support all major business processes from a private, powerful central drive so all your files are in your control.

- Supports all file types

- Compliance & Regulation

• ISO27001 Certified

• HIPAA Compliant

• GDPR Compliant

- Japanese and Spanish versions are also available on desktop.

- NO need to jump to other platforms to manage your files, all operations done within native email extension.

- Near carbon-free email: prevent attachments from being downloaded or shared when they don't need to be. Do your part by sending "green" attachments for a low carbon email account with Document GPS.

- There is no limit to the number of attachments you can attach.

- See everything that goes on, in real-time.

- All users have direct and indirect analytics.

- Document GPS uses ShelterZoom's Single Source Of Truth® software technology to create immutable records for sharing of files, communication, collaboration, and permanent record keeping.

--SSOT® security is state of the art

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access and modify personal information in the active message, such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, and attachment information. It may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.
This add-in can launch itself when:
  • The user sends an email.

At a glance