
by InstaText d.o.o.

(9 ratings)

Improve your text with the most productive writing assistant, proofreader and editor.

With the InstaText Add-in for Microsoft Word, you can use InstaText to edit and proofread your documents.

Use InstaText with ease: Click the "Improve text" button to see suggestions. Choose between the InstaText Editor for direct editing within Word or the built-in Track Changes feature to review and apply improvements.

Increase your productivity with AI-powered writing assistant and editing tool that helps you to improve your texts and make them more readable and understandable. InstaText improves styling and word choice, corrects grammatical errors and enriches your content.

✨ Turn your ideas into written text - Instead of focusing on words, turn your ideas into meaningful messages in seconds.

🚀 Improve your text with just a few clicks - InstaText lets you correct your entire text at once with one click. Of course, you can revise the suggestions and reject some of them.

💙 Never lose your unique voice - Rewrite your texts based on suggestions that don’t take your essence out of your writing. You never have to sound like a machine.

🎯 Focus on your message - With InstaText, you don't have to worry about your grammar or readability. Concentrate on your message and InstaText will take care of the rest.

✍️ Become a better writer - Develop your unique writing style while improving your grammar, vocabulary, and focusing on your message.

🔍 Rewrite in a new, original way - InstaText maximizes the readability of the text in a way that avoids plagiarism.

✔ InstaText fully respects your privacy - With InstaText, your texts are never stored.

Some features require a premium account. For more information, visit

InstaText is constantly updated and improved by our team to make it as useful as possible for you. If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance