Office Otter
by Office Otter
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Manage tasks in Office Otter from within Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and Office
Welcome to Office Otter!
Meet our new integration for Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and Office.
Once you have downloaded the app, simply navigate to the Office Otter tab where you will be prompted to sign in once. From there you can create and edit tasks in your Office Otter list!
If you are using Microsoft Teams, you can turn any message/chat into a task. You can do so by navigating to the "more actions" button on the message bubble and clicking "Create Task in Office Otter."
You must be an Office Otter user in order to use this add-in. To create an account [sign up here](
App capabilities
When this app is used, it
- Can send data over the Internet
- This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.
At a glance