
by Discourse Analytics, Inc.

Leading tomorrow with smart automated study groups for optimized individual and group learning.

SmartPods for Microsoft Teams

SmartPods is a first-of-its kind AI enabled study group that brings students together algorithmically based on their complimentary mindsets to improve the learner journey, and to help align students for optimized individual and group learning. Microsoft Teams is the ideal collaboration platform for students. And, SmartPods leverages the TEAMS collaboration functionality to enhance group and individual learning. Using SmartPods will enhance the development of soft and hard skills while also driving improved learning outcomes.

Group learning has long been a key component of learning. And, study groups are often used by teachers to enhance the learning experience. The composition of the study group; however, is often driven less by data and experience and more by ad hoc selection.


Key things SmartPods accomplishes

• Streamlines group selection for instructors

• Improves collaboration amongst students

• Enables both individual and group progression

• Automates nudging to improve teaching

• Provides framework to strengthen personal development


To use this app, the users need an Admin Consent. After giving the consent, admin must configure DA Graph Adapter that brings data from the client’s Office365 tenant into the Discourse Analytics engagement configured for the tenant. Users will also need to allow the app to access their profile information such as user role and class information.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance