ContractPodAi for Word
by ContractPod Technologies Limited
Manage your legal documents directly from MS word through the power of ContractPodAi platform
ContractPodAi Add-In for Word provides a native user experience to manage the contracts within their MS Word system. User can track any contract, upload the contract version directly from open/editing documents, add/assemble clause library, perform collaboration etc. ContractPodAi Word Add-In provide an end to end management of contract record within the MS word ecosystem.
Cloud Platform
Cloud is one platform for all legal needs. The platform offers a suite of products and features to support all legal use cases in one platform. This document offers a suite of products and features to support all legal use cases in one platform. This document outlines the features and functionalities of the platform.
All new requests, changes, and uploads completed through the Outlook add-in are automatically synchronized with the CPAi Cloud platform.
• Information collected and processed through the Word Add-in is automatically synchronized with the associated Cloud instance.
• Create and edit a legal request from the Word add-in. Users are also able to Amend, Renew, and Terminate existing requests.
• The Word add-in has the capability to search the Cloud repository.
• Allows the Word document to be uploaded and added to a new or existing legal request. This includes both as a new version and as an attachment/supporting document.
Enterprise Add-in:
- As an Enterprise Add-in, it does not require New Users to Sign up
- Use of the ContractPodAi Add-in requires a user license through the ContractPodAi platform.
App capabilities
- Can read and make changes to your document
- Can send data over the Internet