My Fleet
by LeasePlan MyFleet
Create and customize intuitive reporting presentations within PowerPoint efficiently.
MyFleet is an online service provided to MyFleet users, aiming to embed powerful reports created with MyFleet into PowerPoint slides, customize them, and save their layout.
Using “MyFleet Reports”, you are able to:
• Display the reports you have access to in MyFleet.
• Embed this Add-in directly into your PowerPoint slides and make your slides portable.
• Pick-up and customize several reports as part of the same PowerPoint file.
• Adjust report filters.
• Save and share the customized reports with your customers or hierarchies, as if they had been designed directly in PowerPoint.
• Edit the reports from the PowerPoint file, even though it has been saved.
This Add-in is designed to be used in PowerPoint only, and by LeasePlan customers only (if you are not, you won't be able to log in or self-register, and therefore, to use the product).
In other terms, to be able to display reports, a MyFleet account must have been created by LeasePlan.
As a LeasePlan customer, if you don’t have an account, please contact your administrator.
be aware that under Windows 7, IE 11 blocks the use of Third-party Cookies by default. To benefit from our office Add-in, you will have to enable the Third-party Cookies. To do this:
1. Open your IE 11 browser
2. Click Options, and select Internet options...
3. In the window, select the Privacy tab
4. Click the button Advanced
5. Enable Accept under Third-party Cookies, click OK
6. Click OK to close the window
7. Close your IE 11 browser so the change may take effect.
App capabilities
- Can read and make changes to your document
- Can send data over the Internet