Limeade for Viva Connections
by Limeade
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Limeade surfaces in-the-moment well-being content and activities for Viva Connections.
Activation of Limeade for Viva Connections requires a subscription to Limeade Well-Being. To learn more about Limeade and Limeade Well-Being visit
Harness the power of Limeade Well-Being to boost discovery, registration and participation for an integrated user experience that connects, aligns and inspires collaboration within Microsoft Viva Connections.
- Expand listening and care where employees spend their time.
- Deliver intuitive and intelligent well-being experiences throughout the day.
- Drive benefits discovery, registration, participation and positive well-being outcomes.
- Infuse in-the-moment tranquility and energy–nudges of encouragement when they’re needed.
Limeade for Viva Connections offers Limeade customers access to 8 adaptive cards that drive awareness and participation within their well-being, engagement and inclusion programs and initiatives.
- Limeade Program Card: Provide simple, all-in-one access to well-being programs and initiatives.
- Limeade My Well-being Card: Nudge employees to take a well-being assessment that delivers personalized results and activities to support their well-being journey.
- Limeade Featured Activity Card: Highlight featured activities to promote awareness and participation within targeted well-being initiatives and activities.
- Limeade My Activities Card: Connect employees to personalized well-being activity plans with the Viva dashboard.
- Limeade Listening Card: Amplify employee listening initiatives with customizable weekly pulses, engagement or inclusion surveys and integrated tools for providing feedback and navigating company resources.
- Limeade Discover Activities Card: Guide employees through the discovery of well-being activities to inspire personal growth and learning.
- Limeade Steps Card: Promote physical health and fitness with nudges to get moving and easy access to viewing steps, calories burned and distance traveled.
- Limeade Resources Card: Leverage Limeade app extensions to connect employees to company resources such as benefits wallets, HR policies and more.
Technical Requirements:
- App requires a Limeade product Subscription to properly function
- App requires the user_impersonation permission to seamlessly access employee data in the Limeade platform.
- App Requires granting consent to Limeade Azure AD App for "Sign in and Read profile" permissions to enable seamless employee experience
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