by Iotum Inc
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Start a conference call or online meeting with video and instant screen sharing.
Start, schedule, or join a Callbridge meeting right from Microsoft Teams. With the Callbridge integration for Microsoft Teams, seamless video and audio communication is right at your fingertips. Start a meeting instantaneously using the @callbridge command in the chat, or by clicking on the Callbridge logo # in the bottom menu bar below the chat. Invite other members simply by using the @name command in the chat, and specify the meeting topic by filling in the blank subject line. Use Callbridge in a 1:1 chat, group chat or channel chat. After meetings, all participants receive a meeting summary and recording within the chat channel.
App capabilities
When this app is used, it
- Can send data over the Internet
- This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.
At a glance
Other apps from Iotum Inc
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