by SoHo Dragon

(6 ratings)

An online PDF markup tool that can update files in SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and OneDrive.

The PDF88 for SharePoint, Microsoft Teams and OneDrive allows you to open PDF files within the browser to annotate, draw, highlight, add text or images, and apply stamps and signatures. After your revisions are completed, you can download the file or save back a layered PDF to SharePoint for future editing.

The PDF Editor is easily installed and available in the context menu in all SharePoint document libraries. For Microsoft Teams the PDF Editor can be installed as a MS Teams Tab, allowing you access to PDF files within that team and also within your OneDrive.

After download and installation you will need to register with us for a subscription license. The PDF Editor is FREE to try, with unlimited usage in the first 7 days. After the trial period you can continue to use it FREE for 1 user / 1 tenant with up to 10 saves per month. Paid versions are available which allow unlimited tenants / users / saves per month for a user fee.

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