by Mawdoo3

(4 ratings)

Qalam is your smart writing assistant.

Qalam will enhance your writing by checking the spelling mistakes and suggesting appropriate words depending on the context of the text

💡 Why Qalam?

Do you face trouble when writing a free misspelled Arabic text? Qalam will help you with that. Qalam will support you with several tasks to make sure that your writing is consistent and accurate.

Qalam will be:

- Checking for common mistakes in writing in Arabic;

- Carefully checking the proper writing of Hamzah;

- Solving the confusion between ا (Alf) and ى (Yaa Maqsorah);

- Deleting rondomly duplicate characters randomly;

- Dealing with typos;

.. And many other mistakes and spelling rules.

☀ What is Qalam?

Qalam was built using artificial intelligence to assist the user in Arabic writing. It utilizes the NLP techniques to check the misspelled or miss-put word and suggest the proper correction for it.

🖊 How Does Qalam Work?

The tool places a red label under a wrong word, When you click on it, it will display the suggested words depending on the context. You can also ignore the suggestion by pressing the button: "Ignore".

* Sign up now and try the service during the free trial period.

* You can check the prices and packages by visiting our website:

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance