Mimecast Essentials for Outlook

by Mimecast Services Ltd.

(9 ratings)

Report suspicious messages, manage your blocked and permitted senders and your held message queues.

Mimecast Outlook Essentials is bringing our most used feature to more platforms! The add-in allows you to report suspicious messages to Mimecast for analysis and to an internal mailbox (when configured). You can also access your Managed senders (to update your blocked and permitted senders lists) and your held messages (to manage messages that have been held by policies configured by your administrator).

For more information on set-up and configuration go to

Access to the Mimecast Essentials for Outlook and services available through it require a subscription to Mimecast and are dependent on the Mimecast Services your organization subscribes to for more details go to

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can read or modify the contents of any item in your mailbox, and create new items. It can access personal information -- such as the body, subject, sender, recipients, or attachments -- in any message or calendar item. It may send this data to a third-party service.

At a glance