BC Gateways
by BC Gateways
Add-in to upload data from Excel worksheet into the BCG Gateway
The add-in allows users to log in and upload their data directly from an excel spreadsheet into the BC Gateway system. The add-in requires you to have the following: a valid user account, a custom template specified to match the data layout in your spreadsheet and a recipient list to whom the data is being sent. The add-in can be used with Excel 2013 or later versions.
This add-in is only available to registered users of BC Gateways. This is a free service for BC Gateways clients and no fee is to be charged for its usage.
Using the Gateway itself involves publishing and subscribing. Publishing in the Gateway or via this Excel Add-in incurs no charges, however, subscribing to products in the Gateway incurs charges. For all fee related information please visit https://www.bcgateways.com/tos and navigate to the third link: Fee Structure.
App capabilities
- Can read and make changes to your document
- Can send data over the Internet