Grant Thornton MTD VAT Filing Solution

by Grant Thornton UK LLP

Link your VAT return data and submit electronically to HMRC from your existing Excel file


Making Tax Digital requirements come into effect on 1 April 2019. Many businesses are now thinking about how they will submit the required data to HMRC. Grant Thornton VAT return filing solution provides a quick and cost-effective way to submit the required data.

How we can help:

We can assist your business in meeting the new submission requirements in a cost-effective way with minimal impact on your resources and the confidence of working with our closely-integrated, cross-discipline team comprising specialists in both technology and VAT.

Grant Thornton VAT return filing solution:

Our MTD compliant VAT return filing solution is a bridging solution which integrates neatly into the existing VAT return workings Excel spreadsheet. It is easy to install and use and is accessed via a toolbar button at the top of the spreadsheet.

Following the submission of your data to HMRC via an API connection, an automatic email will be sent to your nominated recipient's inbox with the summary data confirming that the submission has been successful.

Our VAT filing solution has been successfully tested and demonstrated to HMRC and we are now listed as a software supplier. The solution is scalable and suitable for businesses that submit multiple UK VAT returns.

Grant Thornton requirements:

You can download the Grant Thornton MTD filing solution from the Microsoft AppSource. However, before you can use the Grant Thornton MTD VAT filing solution, you will need to register to obtain your Grant Thornton credentials. These credentials can be obtained by speaking your usual Grant Thornton VAT contact or by raising a query via the link below:

Grant Thornton will process and store these credentials. However, you will still need to enter these credentials each time you log in, to prevent unauthorised access in case your computer is lost.

The Grant Thornton MTD VAT filing solution is not supported when Excel online is used in conjunction with Internet Explorer 11 in a Windows 7 environment.

HMRC requirements:

Before you can use the Grant Thornton MTD VAT filing solution, you will need to register with HMRC’s secure portal and obtain your credentials. HMRC’s registration process is completed outside of the Grant Thornton MTD VAT filing solution.

When using the Grant Thornton MTD VAT filing solution you will be asked to enter your HMRC’s credentials in order to give permission to Grant Thornton to interact with HMRC on your behalf. Grant Thornton will not collect or store your HMRC credentials.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can read and make changes to your document
  • Can send data over the Internet

At a glance