Way We Do

by Way We Do

(11 ratings)

Easily find your Way We Do playbooks, policies, procedures and processes.

Way We Do helps you find and use playbooks, policies, procedures and processes right within Microsoft Teams. Easily view Activated Checklists, tasks and Acceptance requests directly from the Teams channel tab.

You can now be updated about important steps of the process you are involved in and tasks that you need to do, according to the company’s policies and procedures and the responsibilities of your role within the organization. These process steps, tasks and other requests will display on the Way We Do User Dashboard directly within Teams.

You will receive notifications from Way We Do on:

  • Activated Checklist Instances you need to complete
  • Tasks Due today
  • Policies and Procedures that require Acceptance
  • Sign-off requests for completed Activated Checklist Instances
  • Pending policies and procedures that need review
  • Upcoming tasks over the next seven days
  • Most recent and most used procedures and processes

Of course, you can also search for policies and procedures within Teams, and pin, search and sort Activated Checklist Instances.

To view your Activated Checklists Instances, tasks, and Acceptance notifications within Teams, you will need a valid Way We Do account.

If you do not have an existing Way We Do account, you can sign up to a 14-day free trial (fully featured) at To subscribe to Way We Do, go to the billing page to start your month by month subscription or contact for Volume User pricing.

App capabilities

When this app is used, it
  • Can send data over the Internet
  • This app can access personal information on the active message, such as phone numbers, postal addresses, or URLs. The app may send this data to a third-party service. Other items in your mailbox can’t be read or modified.

At a glance