Classter School Management System

by Vertitech SA

(26 ratings)

Manage academic, financial, CRM & more tasks & build your school community via Sharepoint Add-in.

Classter, is an educational web platform, an advanced school gate with unlimited possibilities, developed to fulfill the modern needs of school admins, students, parents and teachers for information and access to data. Fully integrated with Office365, via the Sharepoint Add-in, it enables you to create your academic institution on Cloud by using the data of your office Account.

The end-to-end school management system add-in features:

  • School Administration[#/LI] [#LI]Academic Management[#/LI] [#LI]Financial Management[#/LI] [#LI]Transportation and Library Management[#/LI] [#LI]Business Intelligence Analysis and Reporting Tools[#/LI] [#LI]Security and Customization[#/LI] [#LI]Personal Students, Teachers, Admins and Parents Profiles[#/LI] [#LI]In-class Management Tools[#/LI] It is suitable for any type of academic institution from Preschool and Kindergarten, to Higher Education and supports all subjects from Math to Art and from Computer Science to Social Studies, with innovative educational tools. A brief approach: Classter includes a Back Office Windows app, role-based accessible by school admins and teachers. In Classter Manager, users can exploit of customizable up-to-date tools and manage with ease, financial data from pricing and billing to forecast and expenditure analysis, academic data from setting up grades’ structures to transcript analysis and a lot more, transportation management from bus routes and zones, to live bus tracking and handling of exceptions, as well as library management from course libraries registration to online books reservations. As Classter Manager is hosted on Microsoft Azure, security is at the very least guaranteed. Classter, also includes dedicated individual dashboards for every entity with a single sign-on feature, via Office365 authentication mechanism. Whether you are a teacher, student or parent you can set-up an account with just one click and gain access to a wide range of features, such us school announcements, personal or school events and incidents, detailed tabs for academic data (grades, exams, curriculum) and for financial data (balances, online payments, billing and invoices), online access to library and information regarding students’ transportation. Last but not least, teachers can add absences online and students and their parents get a complete view of their attendance and have the ability to justify absences online! The personalized profiles are built using modern communication tools like Outlook, OneDrive and OneNote, that help improve interactions with school admins, teachers, students and parents. The free mobile application - Classter App for Teachers, completes the product mix. With Classter App for Teachers, any teacher could organize their class, set up a session, set student seating and monitor performance. During a session additional features could be used in real time to further assist the teacher; add absences, comments, and acknowledge student achievements by adding awards. Students (and parents) are notified of their performance and achievement through their own personal profiles. Classter: The education way of life. Discover the entire functionality at and on social media: Facebook , Twitter , YouTube For technical issues feel free to contact us at: or at 0030 2510 242632.

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