S Currency Rates for Dynamics 365

by Solutionade

Get access to real-time currency exchange rates and historical data for dozens of major currencies

Get access and view the latest exchange rate data from globally trusted providers. Convert one currency to another using our Currency Rate Converter.

This solution helps CRM users to easily calculate currency rates, to see which money transfer websites/banks exist in a specific country and to compare rates between currencies of your choice from different currency providers.

The solution offers users to get access to historical currency exchange rate data by displaying the exchange rate (daily averages) between the two currencies of your choice for a date range of up to 8000 days.


-          Quick and Easy way to see current exchange rates and convert international currencies

-          Get updated rate of exchange at all times, leaving no room for discrepancies

-          Compare real-time exchange rates from different currency providers

-          Get access to historical currency exchange rate data and see how currency rates are changing

-          See which money transfer websites/banks exist in a specific country

This app is available in English (United States).

For a free live-demo, feel free to contact us at

At a glance