HSE Management System (Incident Management)

by Gems Consulting Company Ltd

To identify, prevent, respond to, record, & analyze workplace risks, use GEMS HSE Incident Mgt. Sys.

Gems HSE Management System (Incident Management):

Gems HSE Management System (Incident Management) is a system designed to manage incidents that occur at work or other areas. It handles the recording, viewing and submitting of an incident report. The system has four participation levels which are: the Accidenté, Observer or Work Colleague, HOD, Investigation Team and QHSE Supervisor/Advisor. It has been designed and developed to report and manage close-out of safety, health and environmental risks.

Some of the features are as stated below:

  • Incident Report – Enable users to record, respond, and follow-up until close out on incidents that occur at workplace.
  • Analytics – Provides you with detailed data and reports to fully analyze data and undesirable trends over time.
  • Dashboard – Monitoring incidents and hazards and performing timely analysis that leads to effective remediation efforts.
  • Approval Workflows – By routing and tracking requests, the system uses automation to significantly decrease time needed for manual tasks and eliminate mistakes that cost compliance points.
  • Email Notifications – Sends email directly from the action register to the action owner and all role players with an automated subject line and email body generated from entries.

Some of the benefits of using the HSE solution:

  • Allows for quick response when an incident occurs.
  • For creating a safe place for work.
  • Keep oversight of the progress of incidents.

At a glance