BE-terna Asset Insurance
by BE-terna
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Insurance management with insurance policy records, tracking loss events and health of assets
Asset insurance provides a solution for insurance management of company assets:
- insurance policy records,
- insurance coverage,
- tracking of loss events and health of company assets.
When assets are the core of a company business, the insurance of these property becomes top priority. Furthermore, being able to track loss events on your property and managing insurance complains and repayments must not be avoid.
The solution provides an overview of insurance policies from controlling which assets are included, what is the insured value, what coverage type is included to how much of insurance was already fulfilled etc..
It also facilitates the loss event registration when assets are damaged (e.g. a vehicle involved in a car accident, building damaged by natural causes, etc.) and enables insurance complains to an insurance agency to get a reimbursement in the likely event of any financial loss that company business may have incurred during an unexpected event.
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