Certified Payroll

by CEM Business Solutions Inc

(1 ratings)

A comprehensive and easy software to simplify your prevailing wage payroll processing

Don’t let the hassle of payroll calculations slow down your payroll process. Set them up once and let the CEM Certified Payroll do the calculations and compliance for each payroll.

Your Pain Points

  • Tracking certified employees’ salaries can be challenging
  • Meeting the Davis-Bacon wage requirement for contractors employed on publicly-funded projects is a hassle
  • Cannot find functionalities for Certified Payroll in ERP Software
  • Inefficient reporting capabilities

Our Features:

  • Automatic calculations for overtime and double-time for exempt and non-exempt employees
  • Configurable rules and alerts
  • Integration with any time and attendance software
  • Employee Self-Portal
  • Posts general liability and worker compensation costs to projects calculation and reporting
  • Various custom reports including the WH-347
  • Pulls payroll earnings by project from timesheets

Your Benefits:

  • Automatically tracks total hours worked, prevailing wage bonuses and employee fringe benefits
  • Gives employees easy access to their payroll records
  • Eliminates errors from the manual process of data entry or data collection from paper and multiple spreadsheets
  • Streamlines prevailing wage setups, calculations and reports
  • Simplifies wage calculations for different types of payroll at once

CEM is an award-winning Microsoft ISV Gold partner specializing in providing end-to-end technology automation and mobile solutions for project-driven industries, such as Construction, Energy, Oil and Gas. In addition, we have earned the prestigious 'Certified for Microsoft Dynamics CfMD' title. Call TODAY to discuss how our Certified Payroll app can make your job and your compliance easier!

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