b4dynamics Product Configurator

by b4dynamics GmbH

Tailor-made products are possible with the b4d Product Configurator in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O.

The Product Configurator by b4dynamics makes tailor-made products possible, it supports order entry / processing, provides all production relevant information, and generates the variant BOM / route. When configuring a tailor-made product, all business processes, including production and delivery, will run completely automatically without any breaks / interruptions after ordering. In addition, b4dynamics developed a printing method (table in an offer or order confirmation) of the attributes used in the product configuration as well as the attribute values calculated by the configuration process. This gives the customer an immediate overview of what is offered or which order parameters are needed.

Challenges: Market requiring individual products, control of product complexity and variant diversity.

    • assert market position
    • unique selling proposition
    • price level in international competition

Ideal Solution: Enables more diverse product design, competitive advantage, reaction to market requirements, reduction of order processing costs/lower fixed costs.

    • Assertion of market position, USP and price level in international competition.

Desired Outcomes:

    • Less staff in the order processing
    • Faster acquisition of the order
    • Shorter reaction times to the customer
    • Flexibility regarding change management

At a glance